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Environmental Responsibility

Our Commitment

At ECA Medical, we are committed to finding new and innovative solutions that will help preserve the environment while providing the industry’s best solutions for patient care.  Single-use instruments provide a better environmental solution for healthcare providers.

The choice is clear.

Overall carbon footprint for single use instruments is lower than reusable instruments according to this 2016 study by Solvay & Medacta.

Reusable Metal Kits
GHG (KgC02eq)
Single-Use Kits
GHG (KgC02eq)
Reusable Metal Kits
GHG (KgC02eq)
Single-Use Kits
GHG (KgC02eq)

Source: Solvay, Medacta study on comparing Carbon Footprint of Single-Use and Reusable Surgical Instruments, March 2016

Lifecycle Assessment

This 2020 lifecycle assessment report on single-use vs. reusable instruments showed single-use instruments to have significantly lower impact on the environment.

• Environmental advantage of the single-use sets indicated a benefit of 45-85% across all impact categories with the single score indicator depicting an overall benefit of 75%.

• Main drivers were the high environmental impact of the steam sterilization and transportation used for reusable instrument sets.

Source: Life cycle assessment of a disposable and a reusable surgery instrument set for spinal fusion surgeries; Leidena, Cerdasa , Noriegab , Beyerleinc, Herrmann; Insitute of Machine Tools and Production Technology (IWF), Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany b Servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain c ATOS Klinik Fleetinsel, Hamburg, Germany, January 2020

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